Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

Three New Guidance Documents on Changes in Licensing & Testing

The Illinois Department of Agriculture just issued a "Frequently Asked Questions" document explaining how the pesticide dealer, applicator and operator licenses will be managed during this time.  The IDA FAQ can be viewed here:
The Illinois Secretary of State also has a FAQ to answer many questions about licenses, vehicle registrations, etc.  Their FAQ is available here:​
USDOT just issued guidance on how to comply with drug & alcohol testing for DOT regulated employers.  That document is here.  
IFCA posted all of these guidance documents in PDF form on our homepage at, along with the State of Illinois "Stay in Place" order and the US Dept of Homeland Security guidance document on critical infrastructure. 
Agriculture and ag-related service and supply businesses have exemptions from the orders.  It is not necessary to identify your trucks or personnel during this time but if you wish to do so, we've created a simple document that you can put on your letterhead and provide to your employees or contractors that are performing essential services to production agriculture during this time. 
We will continue to provide important updates to our members as they occur.  If you have any questions about these or other issues don't hesitate to contact us.  You can find our staff email addresses in the "About" section of the IFCA website.  If you call our office at (309) 827-2774 our message service will also provide the cell phone numbers of each IFCA staff member.