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Results23 articles found. |
New IFCA DirectoriesAll dues paying members of the IFCA should receive the new 2013/2014 IFCA membership directory in the coming days. Thanks to all the advertisers who help make this Directory possible! If you have any questions about the Directory, please contact our office. |
2009 MSDS Books Now AvailableOnce again the Asmark Institute is offering the MSDS books for IFCA members. There are many good sources of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for pesticides, however the unusual or hard-to-get items such as oxygen, acetylene, fuels, fertilizers, welding rods, micronutrients, paints, grain treatments, spray additives and cleaning supplies typically make maintaining a current MSDS file a real chore. The 2009 MSDS manual, published by the Asmark Institute, is designed especially for Ag Retailers and contains 1,880 pages of information for more than 1,025 products. OSHA requires each employer to maintain a current file for the ... |
2014 Limestone Producers GuidebookClick here to view or download the 2014 Agricultural Lime Producers booklet. |
American Agronomic Stewardship AllianceClick this link to visit the AASA homepage. |
Asmark InstituteClick this link to visit the AI homepage. |
Asmark Institute Training ComplexThe Asmark Institute today announced plans to construct a new training complex in Bloomington, IL to host its Ammonia Technician Course and a series of new courses designed for grain facilities. Bloomington, IL is centrally-located within the United States and offers several advantages, especially to the agricultural industry. The 26,000 square foot complex is expected to host a wide variety of meetings with its unique design and capability to accommodate equipment used for scenarios and specialized hands-on training. The Bloomington complex will also serve as the central dispatch point for the new Professional Applicator Training course. Asmark Institute ... |
Facts about Pesticides & ADHD ReportClick here to see the full story and facts about the report about pesticide exposure and ADHD in children. |
Fire Prevention Plan Saves MoneyIFCA in conjunction with the Asmark Institute recently developed a fire prevention plan for members free of charge. The plan came about due to a need for IFCA members to work with their local fire departments to communicate and plan in the event of a pesticide fire. To date, nearly ninety companies have used the plan in which they have reported monetary savings with their insurance provider. The fire prevention plan is an excercise which outlines potential ignition sources and highlights what can be done to prevent a fire at a facility and what information should be ... |
GMO Food Labeling Fact SheetClick below for a one page article from "Scientific American" magazine that explains the consequences of labeling foods that contain GMO ingredients. |
IFCA Winter ConventionThe dates for the IFCA Winter Convention are January 19-21, 2010 at the Peoria Civic Center. The convention starts on a Tuesday with a CCA session and the trade show is the 20th and 21st. Exhibitor packets will be sent out shortly! |
Illinois Agronomy HandbookClick the heading for view the Illinois Agronomy Handbook On-Line. |
Illinois CBMP Hosts Nitrogen Webinar This FridayThe Illinois Council on Best Management Practices (CBMP) will hold a webinar on Friday, October 11 at 8:00 am central time to update ag retailers and CCAs on critical nutrient stewardship and management issues that will help our industry minimize environmental impact, optimize harvest yield and maximize input utilization (MOM). The topics covered on the webinar will include: 1. Guidelines for fall nitrogen applications: timing, stabilization, rates 2. Results of the N WATCH soil nitrate testing program from fall 2012 and spring 2013 sites 3. New incentives to promote on-farm N rate trials 4. Showing the value of an N management ... |
MiniBulk Recycling UpdateWe have gotten tremendous response from our members on the minibulk recycling program. In late August and early September we will be getting in touch with everyone who has sent us a registration form to let you know how the schedule for collection will work. Thanks for participating in this stewardship effort to recycle tanks that are no longer safe for use and need to be cleared out of your warehouses. |
MSDS Books AvailableDear Valued Member, We invite you to review and consider the following special offer available exclusively through our affiliation with the Asmark Institute. There are many good sources of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for pesticides, however the unusual or hard-to-get items such oxygen, acetylene, fuels, fertilizers, welding rods, micronutrients, paints, grain treatments, spray additives and cleaning supplies typically make maintaining a current MSDS File a real chore. The 2010 MSDS Manual, published by the Asmark Institute, is designed especially for agricultural retailers and contains, 1,880 pages of information for more than 1,000 products. OSHA requires each employer to maintain a current file ... |
National Agronomic Environmental Health & Safety SchoolClick this link to visit the NAEHSS homepage. |
New Pesticide Container & Containment RegulationsClick on this link to view a brochure outlining the upcoming USEPA pesticide container and containment regulations. |
NH3 Safety Checklist for GrowersThe Fertilizer Institute (TFI) has an informative checklist for growers to serve as a reminder to keep safety in mind when handling anhydrous ammonia. |
Revised Hazard Communication StandardThe Occupational Safety & Health Administration's (OSHA) revised Hazard Communication Standard took effect on May 25, 2012 and required mandatory training for most employers across the country on new requirements for chemical labeling and the new Safety Data Sheets by December 1, 2013. The revision aligned OSHA's rules with the internationally accepted Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). Any employer that uses hazardous chemicals in the workplace is subject to the new communication and training requirements. Training issues for employers include: Labels--Employers must train employees on new labeling elements including product identifiers, OSHA signal ... |
RMP Compliance ToolsClick the heading above to access the myRMP Suite of Guidance materials. This compliance tool was developed by TFI and the Asmark Institute and is endorsed by USEPA. |
Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure Plans (SPCC)If you store more than 1,320 gallons of fuel or oil at your facility in containers in excess of 55 gallons, you must complete a SPCC plan. Click the heading to access the Asmark Institute's mySPCC program. The mySPCC program is endorsed by USEPA. Note that if you have more than 10,000 gallons of storage at your facility you will need to have a Professional Engineer review and certify your SPCC. |
Tired of Spinning Your Regulatory Wheels?For the last three years, IFCA has partnered with the Asmark Institute to offer affordable and high quality regulatory compliance assistance for IFCA members. It can be tough enough keeping straight which government agency is in charge of certain regulations. The Asmark Institute can offer piece of mind for you and your company so more time can be focused on what you do best, running your business. Since the partnership began, IFCA has signed up over twenty ag retail facilities with the Asmark Institute, on top of the nearly 100 that were already Asmark clients before the Institute ... |
Wabash Valley Services is Environmental Respect WinnerHearty congratulations to the management and employees of Wabash Valley Service Company headquartered in Grayville, IL for winning the National Environmental Respect Award. This is the highest recognition that an ag retailer in the USA can receive for operating their business in an environmentally sound manner for the benefit of their customers, employees and the community. Mike Wilson, manager of the Wabash Valley facility in Browns, IL accepted the award on July 9 in Washington, D.C. and said "The message that we carry is one of environmental stewardship. If we are to continue to feed ... |
Wind Energy ContractsClick here for a document that lists questions to ask when reviewing contracts for wind energy towers. |