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Filtered by : DOT
Results14 articles found. |
80,000 lb Highway Access Fact SheetClick below for a fact sheet on the 80,000 lb highway weight limit law in Illinois. |
Air Injection Not Legal in Illinois in Ammonia Application SystemsThe Illinois Department of Agriculture regulations specifically prohibit the addition of any additive, including air, due to incompatibility with ammonia system components. This applies to systems used in custom application and by farmers, so please keep an eye out and help us spread the word that any compressed air system utilized in anhydrous ammonia application is not legal to use in Illinois. |
CDL Medical Card ReminderEffective January 30, 2012, all drivers applying for an Illinois CDL for the first time and all current CDL holders renewing, upgrading or replacing their CDL must visit a CDL facility to declare your driver category. The purpose of this new requirement is to create a national medical certificate data base for interstate motor carriers. If you are not a first time CDL holder and your license does not expire until after January 30, 2014, you must appear in person at one of the 47 Illinois CDL facilities prior to January 30, 2014 to declare one of the following categories: 1. Non-excepted interstate driver (NI) 2. Excepted interstate ... |
Class A CDL Not Needed to Transport Ammonia Nurse TanksIFCA has received clear guidance from both the Illinois Secretary of State CDL division and the Illinois State Police enforcement division that a Class A CDL is NOT required to transport ammonia nurse tanks. Ammonia nurse tanks are implements of husbandry and as such, the weight of the nurse tank is not factored into the CDL weight classification. Ag retail employees need a Class B CDL with hazmat endorsement no matter what the weight or combination of the nurse tanks (1,000 or 1,450 gallon nurse tanks pulled in singles, in tandem or mounted side-by-side on a single running gear). &... |
CT Inspection FacilitiesClick on "CT Inspection Facilities" to view CT facilities that are certified to perform testing for the Nurse Tank Inspection Program. |
Hours of Service RulesClick below for the rules governing the Hours of Service exemption for the transportation of agricultural inputs. + 1 more file |
How to Prepare for DOT AuditClick below for a guidance document listing what to expect when IDOT conducts a hazmat audit. |
IDOR Sales Tax Exemption Certificate - Equipment |
Implement of Husbandry DefinitionsThe document below explains what qualifies as an Implement of Husbandry in Illinois and explains the license plate requirements for ammonia nurse tanks and fertilizer trailers. |
Implements of Husbandry Crossing State LinesTaking implements of husbandry, such as NH3 nurse tanks, across state lines has been a controversial topic over the last few years. DOT has just recently clarified that implements of husbandry are not commercial motor vehicles (CMV) and therefore not subject to the CMV regulations. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) authority covers persons who operate a commercial motor vehicle in interstate commerce. Therefore, when an implement of husbandry crosses state lines in interstate commerce it is not subject to CMV regulations since it is not a Commercial Motor Vehicle. |
NTIP Markings for Anhydrous Ammonia Nurse TanksThere may be some confusion on markings on nurse tanks that are enrolled into the NTIP program. The DOT-SP 13554 is no longer required as a marking on the side of the nurse tanks. Click below for examples of current markings that are acceptable and markings that would be considered a violation. |
R Stamp WeldersClick on "R Stamp Welders"(above) to view repair organizations holding an R stamp for repair of anhydrous ammonia pressure vessels. |
Restricted CDL For Transporting Ammonia Nurse TanksClick below for the application form to the IL Sec of State to obtain a restricted CDL for transporting ammonia nurse tanks. |
Uniform Carrier Registration |