Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

Pesticide Recordkeeping Reminder

As spring is quickly approaching, a few reminders for record keeping when applying or selling pesticides to your customers.
Pesticide dealers shall retain a record of all sales of restricted use pesticides or pesticides that the Director has declared to be a pesticide requiring a permit for two (2) years. The record shall include, but is not limited to, the following for each individual sale of such a pesticide:
1) Quantity and kind of pesticide for individual sales. 
2) Name and address of purchaser.
3) Purchaser's certification number and type of certification if appropriate.
4) Date of sale.
Certified commercial applicators and operators shall keep a record of all restricted pesticide usage for two (2) years.  The record shall include, but is not limited to, the following for each individual use of a restricted use pesticide:
1) Name of the chemical. 
2) USEPA registration number.
3) Amount of chemical concentration per unit treated (e.g., pounds or ounces per acre).
4) Date of application.
5) Use site(s)
*NOTE:  The pesticide registrant may have additional record keeping requirements based off the label as well as additional State or Federal requirements.