Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
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Upcoming Training Opportunities

Dicamba Label Training:   If you intend to apply to apply dicamba to soybean in 2020, you MUST attend dicamba label training again this year.  Today the first classroom event is at 2:00 pm in Mt. Vernon following the private applicator clinic.  There is also a class on Friday (Dec 13) in Champaign and a class next week in Springfield.  All of these classes are taught by Dr. Bill Simmons on behalf of BASF.  There is no cost to attend the training.  To register for dicamba training go to the IFCA Dicamba Training website.  On-line dicamba training will also be accepted this year, but those programs are not yet available.  Keep checking the website, especially after the holidays, to see opportunities for on-line training and additional classroom events sponsored by the dicamba registrants.  
Paraquat Label Training:  If you intend to apply paraquat in 2020, the new labels also require you to participate in paraquat training prior to application.  The paraquat training is only available on-line, but is currently up and running.  Only certified applicators can apply paraquat in 2020---licensed operators cannot apply paraquat under the new labels.  Click here to be re-directed to information from Syngenta on paraquat label training and to access a link to the training program.    

Anhydrous Ammonia Training:  IFCA has posted the dates and locations for the spring 2020 anhydrous ammonia competent attendant training events.  The first event is at the IFCA convention on January 22, and if you register for convention you can attend that class.  To view and register for the other events beginning in February 2020, click here

To see the full list of training opportunities offered at the IFCA convention, including a Regulatory Workshop, click here.  

If you want a more in-depth understanding of ammonia equipment, safety and trouble-shooting, there are still a few openings in the Asmark Institute Ammonia Technician Course in February 2020.  IFCA's Director of Safety & Education John Rebholz teaches this course.  The ammonia course is full in January, so we encourage you to register soon for the February and March classes before they are full.  Click here for information on the Ammonia Technician Course and to register.