On-Line NH3 Training This Fall, Spring 2020 Certificates, Farmer Training
If any of your employees have anhydrous ammonia competent attendant certificates that have expired, or you have new hires who plan to work with ammonia this fall, IFCA has an IDA approved on-line training and testing program that will provide a competent attendant certificate that is good until December 31, 2020.
So far, over 200 people have successfully taken the on-line competent attendant training. This training is for employees of ag retail or farmer-owned NH3 storage facilities. To access the training, go to ifca.com and click on the "Training" menu or click here. The cost for the training is $15 per person, and each person must take the training separately in order to achieve certification. If you have any problems associated with the on-line training please contact IFCA at 309.827.2774 or email john@ifca.com. Because the on-line training is not as comprehensive as the classroom training, it is only a temporary certificate. IFCA is working with IDA to offer classroom training again in spring 2021, which will then provide a 3-year certification.
2020 Spring Competent Attendant Certificates: If you had employees attend the spring 2020 NH3 safety schools (held in February 2020) and they have not yet received their certificates from IDA, please do not worry. Due to the Covid shutdown at IDA, they were unable to issue the certificates right away. But IDA is working on them now, and all the certificates should be in the mail by the end of this week for those who attended the spring 2020 classes.
Farmer Ammonia Training: The IDA continues to move forward with rules that will require all farmers, hired hands or farm family members who transport, apply or work with ammonia to go through the IDA ammonia training program once every 3 years. The rules are expected to be finalized in the next month or so, with the goal of farmers having access to both on-line and classroom training well prior to the spring 2021 ammonia season. IFCA continues to work with IDA and the farm groups on the training materials. Ag retailers will have the opportunity to provide training to your customers, utilizing the IDA approved classroom materials. Stay tuned, we will continue to provide details as the new training requirement and training programs are finalized. Feel free to contact John Rebholz with any questions at 309.827.2774 or john@ifca.com.