Where is the Dicamba Label?
All indications are that we will see a new label for use of dicamba on soybeans, but it could arrive just before the current labels expire on Nov 9. As we prepare for what is likely to be a more restrictive label and mandatory training again for all applicators, the IL Dept of Ag continues to work through the 537 total pesticide misuse complaints in 2018 (330 of those are attributed to dicamba). As of Oct 19, IDA has issued findings on about 50% of the cases. They have issued 148 warning letters: 103 on dicamba misuse and 45 on other ag related pesticide misuse. On the dicamba violations, 50% are to commercial applicators and 50% to private applicators.
The counties with the most dicamba related compaints are McLean, Ford, Tazewell, Douglas, Iroquois, Champaign, Livingston, Edgar and Woodford (in that order). If you receive a warning letter or letter of violation with monetary penalty and wish to review your rights to appeal it, please call IFCA for assistance.