Ohio Governor Takes Action on Nutrient Use
Yesterday, Ohio Governor John Kasich issued an Executive Order requiring farmers to "figure out a way to manage their land in a more effective and environmentally friendly way" said the Governor. The order would trigger the writing of additional regulations affecting all nutrient sources. Farm groups criticized the order, and while the Governor did say he believes agriculture has made progress, he doesn't feel current voluntary efforts by farmers to reduce nutrients losses will allow the state to meet its commitment with Michigan and Ontario to reduce phosphorus runoff by 40% by 2025. To read the story on the Executive Order click here.
Efforts by our industry in Illinois to reduce nutrient losses continue to be positive, although we also must keep the goals of a 15% reduction in N and 25% reduction in P losses by 2025 forefront in our minds. IFCA is partnering with Agrible to develop a 4R metric reporting system to enable ag retailers to better demonstrate our commitment toward this goal and as we test that program this fall, we will keep you informed.