Watch for AASA Inspection Letter
This summer the American Agronomic Stewardship Alliance (AASA) will be inspecting bulk pesticide facilities in Illinois to help you assure compliance with the federal regulations governing bulk pesticide storage, containment and repackaging. AASA will send each facility a letter ahead of time informing you of the inspection process and they will also call to set up an appointment for the inspection. You can access learn more about AASA by going to their website at and the checklist on the website is also available directly by clicking here.
If you have any questions about this program please call IFCA. IFCA administers the AASA program throughout the nation and we thank you in advance for your cooperation with this industry-led compliance and stewardship initiative. There is no charge for the AASA inspections and you will receive a copy of your inspection report. The only other people who see the report are the suppliers who ship bulk pesticides to your location; their goal is to partner with retailers to ensure a problem free season for all involved in the agricultural pesticide industry.