Dicamba Use Pre-Plant & Tips for Successful Use
With field preparation underway, we remind everyone that the use of dicamba in a pre-plant burndown ahead of soybeans must adhere to all the label precautions on the product you are using; not all dicamba products are labeled for use ahead of soybeans. Even when planting dicamba tolerant soybeans, only Engenia, Xtendimax and FeXapan can be used in an immediate pre-plant situation. Other dicamba products that can be used have pre-plant precautions on the labels. We advise our members to help reinforce this message, to ensure that pesticide labels are followed no matter what product is being used. If using the three products approved for use ahead of dicamba tolerant soybeans in a burn-down application, the application must adhere to all the use and recordkeeping requirements on those labels.
Illinois Farm Bureau sent out a reminder to their members today on dicamba stewardship, mentioning that these BMPs were developed in concert with the University of Illinois and IFCA. Click here to see Farm Bureau's tips to their members for avoiding off-target movement of dicamba. IFCA has extensive BMPs and resources on dicamba stewardship posted on our home page at www.ifca.com. Please don't hesistate to contact us if you need assistance.