Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

Dicamba Training in Illinois - Visit New Website

The new labels for Engenia, Xtendimax and FeXapan require that applicators be certified in order to purchase these products, and receive specific dicamba training in order to apply these products in 2018.
IFCA developed and launched an Illinois Dicamba Training website that provides resources to help facilitate this training for our members, and for private applicators.  The website is  It features an explanation of the new requirements, a Frequently Asked Questions page, a Resource page with labels, a recordkeeping form and other helpful guidance documents, a calendar of available training venues and the ability to register on-line for these training events.  
Right now, many of the available training classes listed are added to the end of the private and commercial pesticide training and testing clinics.  The CCA Convention, the IFCA Convention and the UI Crop Management Conferences are also listed.  We realize that there is still a need for more training venues in certain geographic areas, such as southern Illinois, and we working to line up training locations in these areas, so keep checking the website for updates.  
Anyone can go to these training events:  private applicators, commercial applicators and operators, landowners, farmers who plant Xtend soybeans but don't plan to spray the beans themselves, etc.  We encourage anyone in the soybean production system to attend to ensure that everyone understands the requirements and the importance of the stewardship of these products. 
Anyone can attend the private and commercial pesticide clinic venues (for example a certified applicator or operator could go to the dicamba training at a private clinic and vice-versa).  However, at the IL CCA, IFCA and Crop Management Conferences, you would also need to register for those conferences, so as you receive information about those industry conferences, please pay attention to the dicamba training that is featured as part of those programs and follow the conference registration instructions.  At all other venues, we are asking people to pre-register on the dicamba training website so that we can manage the number of people attending and also ensure we get enough participation to secure an instructor.  Everone who attends training will receive a certificate of completion that can be used to fulfill their recordkeeping requirements.  
Ag retailers can also host training meetings.  There are several ag retailer functions posted on the website already.  If you would like to host a training meeting and are open to others attending, call IFCA and we will add your event to the calendar and stay in touch with you regarding the number of people who register for your event.  You can contact Monsanto or BASF directly to request an instructor, or we can assist you with getting an instructor.  
Please feel free to call our office regarding any questions about dicamba training.  You can also access the dicamba training website from the IFCA home page, go to the "Training" menu at