Hours of Service - Fuel Deliveries
Agriculture enjoys a very nice exemption from Hours of Service when our members deliver ag inputs between distribution points, within a 150 air mile radius of the point of distribution (i.e. terminal to retail, retail to farm, farm to farm). This applies to any ag input essential in producing a crop and normally we think of this as meaning fertilizers, chemicals and seed.
Delivery of fuel to the farm can ONLY take advantage of the Ag Hours of Service Exemption if the fuel delivery driver is delivering the product exclusively to farms, for on-farm use. For example, you cannot deliver propane to a grain dryer (which would qualify) and then in the next stop or stops, fill up a propane tank used to heat a house, even if it's a farm house. Thus, it is very difficult to use the Ag HOS exemption for fuel deliveries and we do not recommend it unless you are extremely organized with your on-farm deliveries of fuel and keep pristine records of your delivery stops. Only dyed diesel fuel is considered "farm fuel" so even then, if you switch between delivering dyed and clear diesel, you can get into trouble with the HOS since clear diesel can be used in off-farm vehicles. Click here for more info on the HOS exemption, or contact IFCA with questions.