On Farm Containment Required for Storage that Exceeds 45 Days
With the price of liquid nitrogen falling, some farmers are expressing an interest in filling on-farm UAN tanks ahead of the 2018 season.
Please be advised that in Illinois, farmers who store more than 5,000 gallons of liquid fertilizer in above ground tanks can only store it for 45 days unless they have an IDA permitted containment facility to protect against the accidental release of the product. A farmer who does not have containment, and asks you to fill a UAN tank at this time, clearly will not use the product within 45 days.
IFCA recommends that if you receive a request to fill a UAN tank that does not have a IDA permit, you should advise the farmer, in writing, that they are responsible for complaince with Title 8, Part 255, Section 255.10 which requires containment for on-farm storage facilities that store more than 5,000 gallons liquid fertilizer, 50,000 lbs dry fertilizer, 300 gallons of liquid pesticide in a single container, or 300 lbs dry pesticide in a single container for more than 45 days at the farm site. You can direct them to contact the IDA at (217) 785-2427 for more information on this regulation, which went into effect back in 2003.
The on-farm containment regulations are available at www.ifca.com; click on "Regulations" then "Fertilizer" or call or office for assistance.