Legislative Update
Well, there is talk of a budget proposal in the works after two years in Illinois without a budget. Some of the things being proposed to raise new revenue include a "business opportunity" tax imposed on businesses based on the number of employees; raising the personal income tax to 4.99% and the corporate tax rate to 7%; establishing service taxes on storage services, amusements, repair and maintenance services, landscaping services, laundry and dry cleaning, and taxing cable and direct sallelite services. IFCA is working with many other interests at the Capitol to evaluate the impact of these new taxes on businesses in Illinois including agribusinesses. In addition, there are bills attempting to ban the use of neonic pesticides on all state property and for horticultural uses, and revisting the GMO labeling law. There will also be initiatives this year to amend the livestock facilities management act to revisit the issue of local control over siting of livestock facilities. KJ Johnson is IFCA's advocate at the state capitol and thanks to tremendous support from our members for the AG-SOLVE political action program, we are well positioned to do the best job possible for our members in these difficult times in Illinois. Keep checking in at ifca.com for legislatiave updates or call our office anytime to discuss the state of our State.