Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
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FMCSA Updates Training Provider Registry

On June 29, 2022, IFCA received updated information from FMCSA on the Training Provider Registry. This includes the following enhancements to the process training providers use to submit driver training certification information:
  • After successfully submitting a driver training certification record, the user will now see a new confirmation message that asks if they need to submit another certification record. Users can select “Submit a Record for the Same Driver,” “Submit a Record for a Different Driver,” or “I’m Finished.”
  • The Registry will no longer accept duplicate submissions—that is, submissions from the same provider that have identical driver and training information. If entering the information manually, users will see an error message if they try to enter a duplicate record. If the provider has set up a direct connection from their IT system, the TPR Web Service will now reject any duplicate certification records.
To submit driver training certification information, training providers can log in to their Training Provider Portal. 
When must training providers submit driver training certification information?
The Training Certification section of the regulations (49 CFR 380.717) states that the provider must submit driver training certification information by midnight of the second business day after the driver completes the training.

Only complete training is submitted to the Training Provider Registry. Driver training is complete when all the requirements of the curricula have been met, and the provider assesses the driver and determines them to be proficient.
When must training providers submit theory training certification records?
Providers must submit theory training records once the driver has completed the curricula and scored at least an 80% on the theory assessment.
When must training providers submit behind-the-wheel (BTW) training certification records?
Providers must submit BTW training records after the driver has completed the BTW training course, including the total number of clock hours spent to complete each portion of the BTW training (range and public road). (The ELDT regulations do not establish a minimum number of hours the driver must meet, however some States may have minimum clock BTW hours requirements—check with the States in which you conduct training to ensure you are complying with their requirements.)

Training instructors must evaluate and document a driver’s proficiency in BTW skills in accordance with the curricula to determine when the BTW training is complete. Providers are encouraged to submit these records after each portion of BTW training is completed. For example:
  • BTW-range is completed on Monday, 7/11/22; provider submits BTW-range certification record by the end of the day on Wednesday, 7/13/22.
  • BTW-public road is completed on Monday, 7/25/22; provider submits BTW-public road certification by the end of the day on Wednesday, 7/27/22.
However, in the example above, the provider may not submit the BTW-public road training on 7/13/22, even if the driver has begun this portion of the training.

If a driver has not yet completed BTW-range or BTW-public road training, the provider may not submit any information about that training, including the number of clock hours logged to-date, to the Training Provider Registry. The Registry may only store information about completed entry-level driver training.