Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
Supply · Service · Stewardship

2019 Observations from the Field: Dicamba

Approximately two weeks ago, only a few (11 reported as of July 16) dicamba-related complaints had been filed with the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA), and some held aspirations that the magnitude of off-target issues would be less this year than during the two previous seasons.  Today, it appears those hopeful aspirations are being replaced by the harsh reality that the magnitude of off-target issues in 2019 might be either similar to or possibly exceed those of previous seasons.  By the end of business on July 31, IDOA reported 191 dicamba-related complaints, 132 of which were received between Monday and Thursday of this week.
IDOA also indicated there has been an increase in the number of phone calls during which the caller wanted the Department to know of a damage incident but was unwilling to file an official complaint.  Many callers indicated they wanted to have the incident recorded but didn’t want to “get their neighbor” in trouble with a formal complaint.  Calling IDOA to report an incident of dicamba damage is not the same as filing an official complaint.  IDOA cannot take official action with of a verbal report of damage; a completed pesticide misuse complaint form must be filed to begin the complaint process.  If you choose to file a complaint with IDOA, time is of the essence. The pesticide drift complaint process is started by filling out a complaint form which can be found at: or by calling IDOA’s Bureau of Environmental Programs at 1-800-641-3934 (voice and TDD) or 217-785-2427.  Additional information on pesticide uses and misuses can be found on the agency’s website at:
Complaint forms must be received by IDOA within 30 days of the incident or within 30 days of when the damage was first noticed. Complaints filed after that will be kept on record, but no administrative action can be taken.
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