Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
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GMOs are better for the environment than you’d think

Crops are engineered in a number of ways. Often, they are made resistant to an herbicide, so a farmer can spray one on their fields and keep their plots free from weeds without killing the crop itself. Or they can be innately poisonous to its predators, like milkweed is, which reduces the amount of pesticides needed to keep a crop safe.
But do these things harm the environment? According to the data: not really. GM crops appear to be just as sustainable and productive as non-GM crops, if not more so.
“Sustainability,” in addition to being a buzzword, is a measure of a local environment’s ability to remain diverse and productive. Studies showthat choosing to farm either non-GM or GM crops doesn’t make much difference when it comes to sustainability. And in both aspects, biodiversity and productivity, GM agriculture has been performing better than non-GM crops for the last 20 years.
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