Illinois Fertilizer & Chemical Association
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March 1 Tier 2 & Pesticide Production Reports

March 1 will be here before we know it, and your Tier 2 chemical inventory reports and USEPA Pesticide Producing Establishment reports are due on March 1.  It's vital to get them in on time to avoid monetary penalties.  For the Tier 2 reports, you must list the expanded hazard categories for the chemicals you report.  These new hazard categories can be found on the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) but only on new SDS sheets.  For Asmark Institute clients, the Asmark SDS database will automatically populate the chemicals you report.  Otherwise, most SDS sheet can be found on the internet or accessed from your suppliers.  IEMA recently sent out a reminder to not wait until the last minute to file your reports, so as you have time, this is an important task to get completed early if possible. 
The same is true for the Pesticide Producing Establishment Reports.  Remember that if you relabeled any Xtendimax, Engenia or FeXapan in 2017, you must report the amount you relabeled on your 2017 production report.  If you have not yet relabeled these dicamba products, you will need to wait and report what you eventually relabel on your 2018 report which won't be due until March 1, 2019.  In any case, 2017 inventory of these products must be relabeled before they can be sold or used in 2018.  These products are now Restricted Use Pesticides.  Call IFCA with any questions.