How Much Nitrogen is Gone?
The reason IFCA led the way to create NREC back in 2012 (5 years ago already!) for was the very reason we write this bulletin. To establish timely, science based, Illinois on-farm research to guide our nutrient stewardship efforts and meet the goals of improving nutrient utilization and minimizing environmental impact. Thank you to all of the IFCA members who support NREC by explaining the value of this program to your farmer customers and remitting the fertilizer tonnage assessments that make the program possible.
Today, Dr. Emerson Nafziger at the University of Illinois Dept of Crop Sciences authored and released a bulletin entitled "How Much Nitrogen is Gone?" Instead of assuming that there has or hasn't been loss following the recent rains and cool weather, NREC enables the UI to evaluate in-field data from on-farm sites and research sites to provide the best guidance possible to our industry. Click here to access the bulletin.
IFCA's Keep it 4R Crop Program provided support for Dr. Nafziger's analysis of the nitrogen situation, and NREC provides funding to IFCA to make the university/industry partnership possible. Please read the bulletin and evaluate with your customers, on a case by case basis, the management approaches to take to ensure proper soil fertility and economic return for the 2017 crop, keeping in mind that we have an equal responsibility in the 4R program to be accountable for environmental impact and societal expectations on how we handle nutrients. It's a balancing act that is best achieved by having the best available science at your disposal, and with NREC's help, you have that information in today's Bulletin.